Systematic Theology Does Matter
I have much to say about this subject. The fact is every one has a systematic theology. The problem is most people don’t know what a systematic theology is. In a nutshell a systematic theology is what you believe about God and spiritual things. Even if you didn’t know the term for it, you have one. Now it is important to understand that this theology does matter. Your theology is why you make the decisions the way you do. It defines who you are and your self-esteem. Here is the real dilemma, you have to do some real work to figure out what you really believe and this is the reason most people want to say it doesn’t matter. It is easier to just not think about it and not work out what it is you believe. Then the problem is you are subject to falling for any compelling argument that someone makes for their views, right or wrong. I know you are thinking well I am a smart fella that can recognize a fraud when I see one. The fact is that most folks get fooled by even the most transparent schemes. Let me give you a real world example. If you were to ask people “Who do you think Jesus is?” The answers would be many and yet there is only one correct answer. Let’s look at one common answer that is given. “Jesus was one of the greatest moral teachers ever to live but He is not God.” This belief is held by many in our culture today and yet it is an obvious lie even if you were not looking at this statement from a Christian perspective. If you read the teachings of Jesus you could not make this claim in good faith because He claims Himself to be God. If we did not believe Him to be God then why would you believe any other teachings from Him and even worse If He is not God then that would make Him a life long liar who is misleading billions of people to believe his lie. So even a non-Christian shouldn’t fall for this answer and yet I hear this answer all the time. Please choose to do the work and find out what it is you really believe. I future blogs I want to discuss how to establish your own systematic theology.